Creo Parametric Extensions

Customise Creo Parametric for your special requirements and optimise your design processes!

3D CAM extensions – integrated manufacturing, NC and tooling

Creo manufacturing extensions are fully integrated with Creo Parametric and provide unmatched data associativity from CAD to CAM to NC without the need for 3rd party tools and ensure faster time to market with reduced errors.

Creo CAM and NC extensions for manufacturing
Turning in Creo Production Machining
Turning in Creo Production Machining

Generating the ideal tool path for highest product quality and fastest machining is the primary demand on a CAM system. Some tools emphasise ease-of-use, others promote cost advantages. Creo NC extensions provide you with everything you need to achieve the highest quality, highest precision machining in the fastest possible time and are the world standard solution for directly machining product parts on production lines – price competitive, feature-rich, and, unlike other CAM tools, seamlessly integrated into the development environment.

Quickly transition from design to manufacturing with Creo CAM and NC extensions. A single system ensures you always have data continuity, so when the model changes, the toolpaths change.

Creo NC and Tool Design Solutions data sheet


Creo Prismatic and Multi-Surface Milling Extension

The virtual milling ‘specialist’ for prismatic production machining:

  • Multi-surface 3-axis milling, with support for high-speed machining
  • 4-axis and 5-axis positioning
  • NC-program creation, process documentation, post-processing,and toolpath verification/simulation
  • Improves product quality and manufacturing consistency by generating toolpaths directly on solid models
  • Part of an integral CAD/CAM solution–no data translation required
  • Reduces time-to-market via associative toolpath updates to design changes

Creo production machining extension

Robust NC programming capabilities spanning the functions of milling, turning, and wire EDM:

  • All capabilities of Creo Prismatic and Multi-Surface Milling Extension PLUS
  • Support of CNC mills, 2-axis and 4-axis CNC lathes, and 2-axis and 4-axis CNC wire EDM machines
  • Low-level NC sequence editing, allowing precise toolpath control and optimisation
  • Detailed step-by-step production planning instructions for improved manufacturing efficiency and lower development costs
  • Optimised NC programming for families of designs to accelerate time-to-volume production

Creo Complete Machining Extension

All-in-one solution to create all types of programmes for CNC machines used in production environments. This solution enables direct machining of simple or complex product geometries with NC toolpaths optimised for manufacturing lines. It includes the capabilities of Creo Production Machining Extension, extended to multi-axis machining, full NC programming capabilities and tool libraries.

  • 2.5- to 5-axis milling, multi-axis turning and multi-task machining (including live tooling); 4-axis wire EDM
  • Simplifies storage and reuse of best practices by using proven manufacturing templates
  • Improves product quality and manufacturing consistency by generating toolpaths directly on 3D designs
  • Reduces time-to-market via associative tool-path updates to design changes
  • Part of an integral CAD/CAM solution–no data translation required
  • Improves manufacturing set-up and quality control processes with in-process probing support
  • Provides robust data management of manufacturing models and deliverables with Windchill PDMLink and Windchill MPMLink (optionally available)
Creo CAM extensions for tooling and mould making

Improve the efficiency and productivity of your mold design and tooling

mould manufacturing

Mold design has a critical impact on the cost-effectiveness and quality of molded parts and thus of your product. The list of ways in which a mold can fail to accomplish its purposes is long and vivid. Creo extensions for tooling and mould design provide you with a full set of capabilities to achieve the highest quality and precision in the fastest possible time.

Creo NC and Tool Design Solutions data sheet


Creo Tool Design Extension

Create the most complex single-cavity and multi-cavity molds and casts with ease. Evaluate mold draft, undercut and thickness problems, and then automatically create parting surface and splitting geometry in a process-driven environment that’s simple–even for the occasional user–who needs to create complex tooling quickly.

  • Define even the most complex geometry for creating single- and multiple-cavity molds and casts
  • Evaluate mold draft, undercut and thickness problems and examine forming and secondary forming dies
  • Eliminate data translation errors using an integral CAD/CAM solution from conceptual design to manufacturing
  • Reduce the need for redesigns through automatic updating of tooling models, drawings and electrodes
  • Eliminate costly rework via interference checking and mold opening simulation

Creo Expert Moldbase Extension

Creo Expert Moldbase Extension supports the efficient design of injection mold tools and as an ideal addition to Creo Tool Design Extension. While Tools Design concentrates on the design of core and cavity, Expert Moldbase allows extremely efficient design of the entire moldbase, including typical functional units like ejector pins, screw connections, cooling etc. Thus design time for mold tools can be reduced dramatically.

The 2D process-driven GUI offers a catalog of standard and custom components, and updates your model automatically during the development of the moldbase, by providing a catalog of standard and customized components. Your resulting 3D models are then used for interference checking during mold opening, as well as automatic generation of deliverables such as detail drawings and BOMs.

  • Speeds the design process through a simple, process-driven workflow that automates moldbase design and detailing
  • Provides an ever growing set of libraries for moldbase/component suppliers (includes screws, ejector pins, sliders, cooling fittings, etc.). Easily add custom data for unique items.
  • Automatic ejector pin, waterline, and fittings functions; automated runners and waterline checks
  • Prevents costly rework and reduces cycle time by eliminating mistakes via a 3D environment
  • Reduces the need for redesigns by automatically updating tooling models, drawings and electrodes

Creo Complete Mold Design Extension

Creo Complete Mold Design Extension provides a complete solution for all operations in mould design. The package includes the capabilities of Creo Expert Moldbase and Creo Tool Design.

Creo Additive Manufacturing Extension – Design and 3D printing within a single design environment

Improve the efficiency and productivity of your mold design and tooling

Creo Additive Manufacturing Lattice structure
Creating lattice structures in Creo Additive Manufacturing Extension

What you see is what you print. Creo Additive Manufacturing Extension closes the gap between 3D CAD and 3D printing.

Additive manufacturing is changing product design, but it is done using a disconnected multi-step process. Creo Additive Manufacturing Extension eliminates this solves this problem by enabling you to design, optimize, validate, and print all within a single piece of software.

Design, optimise, validate, and print your additive models – all in Creo:

  • Create parametrically controlled lattice structures.
  • Directly connect to 3D Systems and Stratasys printers.
  • Track, validate, and manage print jobs.
  • Eliminate mistakes due to human error.
  • Direct connection to service bureaus.
  • Improved rapid prototyping.

Creo Additive Manufacturing Extension data sheet

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