Creo Parametric

The most powerful, reliable, and flexible 3D modeling software in the industry.

Creo Parametric

The most powerful, reliable, and flexible 3D modeling software in the industry.

Creating innovative design, simply. With Creo Parametric it’s simple. You can create innovative 3D product design from concept to production within one single piece of software – speeding up your process and reducing your costs.

Freedom to create

Freedom to create

Creo Parametric is flexible. You can customise your design with advanced functionality, giving you freedom to explore design options and configurations easily.
A powerful platform

A powerful platform

Create your 3D product designs from concept to production on a single platform. Combine parametric and direct modeling in one system – The most reliable tool for late stage design changes.
Easy to use

Easy to use

The interface can be customised for your preferences and business requirements. Creo Parametric is user friendly and we will get you set up and using it after just a few days’ training.
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Reliable performance

Reliable performance

Creo Parametric (formerly Pro/ENGINEER – the first parametric 3D CAD system) is the most robust CAD system on the market. The modular product structure offers cost-effective packaging and is scalable as your requirements grow.

A single solution for all requirements

Download the Creo Parametric data sheet

Within Creo Parametric you will find the industry’s most comprehensive toolset of design (CAD / CAID), analysis (CAE) and manufacturing (NC / CAM) capabilities already in its standard package.

Creo Parametric datasheet

Unlimited scalability: extensions, add-on software and industry solutions

Creo Parametric offers the broadest range of fully integrated extensions, add-on software and industry solutions allowing you to add new modules and functionality any time to meet your company’s growing challenges.

  • Extensions for 3D CAD
  • CAE solutions: simulation, analysis, tolerances
  • CAM/NC and tooling
  • Reverse engineering
  • Industry solutions
  • and many more

Learn more…

Creo Parametric Extensions

Creo Parametric Add-on Solutions

Creo 10 Productivity Potential

Each new version of Creo brings advanced features that help design engineers continually increase their productivity. Many of these updates are based on valuable feedback from our valued customers. Creo 10 now offers comprehensive improvements to multibody modeling, including powerful Boolean operators and efficient separation operations. You also have tools for restructuring and rearranging assemblies. Additionally, part modeling features such as sketcher, parting planes, holes, patterns, and freestyle have been significantly improved. Thanks to these innovations, you can implement your design projects even more effectively.

More info on Creo 10


Get started now with Creo 10! Design the way it should be.

5 amazing reasons why you should try Creo now:

  1. Instantly take advantage of a fully functional, 14 day trial of Creo Parametric
  2. Effectively combine the power and control of parametric modeling with the ease of use and flexibility of direct modeling
  3. Quickly and easily create freeform shapes and surfaces using sub-divisional modeling capabilities
  4. Easily get up to speed with comprehensive learning materials and embedded tutorials
  5. Effortlessly manage neutral and non CAD data, avoiding the need to convert files or recreate 3D CAD models from scratch


Download the Creo trial free

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Get the right package for your needs:

Industry standard 3D CAD functions ¹
Design visualisation with augmented reality
Top-down construction and concurrent engineering
Prismatic & Multi-Surface Milling
Extended surface construction & additive manufacturing
Shape and position tolerances & tolerance analysis
Injection molding design and processing
Extended collaboration and PTC Mathcad
Simulation, simple CFD and fatigue advisor
Production processing
Advanced simulation and CFD)
Options modeler and topology optimisation
Metal printing and complete processing

¹The most robust set of 3D CAD capabilities:

  • 3D Part and Assembly Design
  • Automatic 2D Drawing Creation
  • Parametric & Freestyle Surfacing
  • Assembly Management & Performance
  • Sheet Metal Design
  • Mechanism Design
  • Plastic Part Design
  • Direct Modeling (Flexible Modeling)
  • Additive Manufacturing
  • Augmented Reality
  • Multi-CAD Collaboration
  • Piping and Cabling
  • Rendering
  • Design Exploration
  • Fastener Design
  • Advanced Framework Design
  • Legacy Data Migration
  • Human Factors Design
  • Core Simulation Capabilities

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How can we help you?

Whether you have questions about our products and solutions or your individual requirements.
Contact us, our experts will be happy to help you.


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INNEO Solutions Ltd.
INNEO Solutions Ltd.

INNEO Solutions Ltd.


+44 (0) 1789 337920


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