
The new generation of structural analysis

Fast and efficient

Fast and efficient

Working directly with the original CAD geometry, SimSolid eliminates geometry simplification and meshing and provides superior performance metrics for quick solving on desktop class PCs.
Complex parts & large assembly capable

Complex parts & large assembly capable

SimSolid has been designed to analyse complex parts and large assemblies not practical with traditional FEA.
Simple workflow

Simple workflow

With SimSolid, answers to guide design intent are available in minutes without prior model preparation, making it the perfect tool to incorporate analysis in a simulation-driven design workflow.

Next generation FEA software for structural analysis of large fully featured CAD assemblies without meshing

SimSolid analysis foil cutting machine
Analysis of a foil cutting machine in SimSolid: solving time 3 min 58 sec on a standard CAD workstation

SimSolid is structural analysis software developed specifically for design engineers. It eliminates geometry simplification and meshing, the two most time consuming and expertise extensive tasks done in traditional FEA.

Moreover, SimSolid can analyse complex parts and large assemblies not practical with traditional FEA and do it efficiently on a desktop class computer. Both fast and accurate, SimSolid controls solution accuracy using a unique multi-pass adaptive analysis.

SimSolid data sheet

SimSolid Professional Edition

  • Power analyses
    • Linear statics, Modal, Thermal, Coupled thermal-stress, Geometric nonlinear statics, Material nonlinear statics
    • Coupled material-geometric nonlinear statics, Transient dynamics, Harmonic response, Random response
  • Power material DOFs
    • Isotropic, Rigid, Nonlinear table driven stress-strain curves
  • Power assembly connections
    • Bonded, Sliding, Separating contact with friction, Bolted, Virtual Connectors
    • Spot welds, Laser welds, Fillet/seam welds (with high degree of automatic detection)
  • Power boundary conditions
    • Immovable, Sliding, Hinge, Spring support, Prescribed displacements, Pressure, Force, Gravity, Temperature, Heat flux, Convection, Volumetric heat, remote Force/Moment, Bearing load, Bolt/nut preload, Hydrostatic load, Translational/Rotational Inertia load
    • Table driven dynamic loads
  • Power interfaces
    • Autodesk Fusion 360, SolidWorks, Onshape, STL
    • ACIS, CATIA, CGR, Inventor, JT, NX, Parasolid, PLMXML, Creo, Solidedge, VDA, STEP

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Technology Overview

The SimSolid computational engine is based on breakthrough extensions to the theory of external approximations. External approximations are a generalisation of Finite Element Method (FEM) in terms that:

  • absolutely arbitrary geometrical shapes can be used as “finite elements”
  • basis functions which approximate field of interest in the part volume can be of arbitrary class and are independent of the volume shape
  • SimSolid does not use the point-wise degrees of freedom (DOF) inherent in traditional FEA. SimSolid DOF are functionals with geometrical support in the form of volumes, areas, line clouds, and point clouds. This provides the ability to handle geometrical imperfections, as well as assembly contact imperfections like gaps, penetrations and ragged contact areas.

SimSolid controls solution accuracy using multi-pass adaptive analysis.  Adaptivity can be defined on a global or part local basis and adaptivity is always active. The SimSolid methodology is fast and efficient.  It provides superior performance metrics for computational time and memory footprint that allow very large and/or complex assemblies to be solved quickly on desktop class PC’s.

Technology Overview Whitepaper

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INNEO Solutions Ltd.
INNEO Solutions Ltd.

INNEO Solutions Ltd.


+44 (0) 1789 337920


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