PTC Mathcad

An easy to use, intelligent Engineering Maths Notebook

Comprehensive collaboration

Comprehensive collaboration

In PTC Mathcad, calculations are presented in standard mathematical notation so that they are easy to read and understand for everyone.
Technical units conversion

Technical units conversion

Ensure correct and accurate results by explicitly adding units to all calculations.


Write and integrate your own functions to adapt your environment to your technical requirements.
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PTC Mathcad for the CAD engineer

PTC Mathcad for the CAD engineer

PTC Mathcad enables CAD engineers to capture and communicate critical design and development information.
Engineering notebook

Engineering notebook

TC Mathcad allows CAD designers to document their engineering knowledge and design intent at every stage.


Create a template with all the content you want and use it as the basis for new worksheets.

PTC Mathcad - software for design calculations

PTC Mathcad is a computing software that you can use to solve, analyse and share important design calculations. The user-friendly interface, mathematical live notation, intelligent unit management and powerful computing functions enable the acquisition and communication of important design and development information.

Trial Version 

What's new: PTC Mathcad Prime 7.0

Mathcad Prime is the industry-leading technical math software. In Mathcad Prime 7, we've added the following new features:

Feature highlights

  • Combo box input controls to easily create drop-down menus with variable definitions
  • Improved usability:
    • Extended zooming, scrolling and focusing
    • Deactivating main lines
    • Save worksheets as PDF
  • Converters for older worksheets so you don't have to install older software versions
  • Comprehensive help for the API guide for anyone who wants to integrate Mathcad Prime seamlessly with third-party applications
  • Update of the symbols module

PTC Mathcad Prime 7.0 data sheet (PDF)


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Why PTC Mathcad?

  • Secure communication of design intent and engineering knowledge
  • Intuitive creation of equations in standard mathematical notation
  • Creation of professional documents with dynamic formulas, diagrams, text and pictures
  • Use standard calculations for other purposes
  • Higher productivity with full unit support in all calculations
  • Faster training and adoption thanks to instant access to eLearning


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PTC Mathcad Capabilities

(*Available First 30-Days in Express)

  PTC Mathcad Express Individual Licenses Multiple Licenses
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New in Mathcad
Improved 2D plotting *
Content protection *
Object Linking & Embedding*
Line break in equations *
Write equations using natural maths notation
Basic Maths
Automatic update of calculations
Algebra and trigonometry operators and functions
Comprehensive documentation
Standardise engineering processes using templates*
X-Y plots
Advanced plot types: Polar, Contour, 3D*
Advanced Maths
Symbolic calculation of expressions *
Solve systems of linear, non-linear and differential equations*
Evaluate expressions symbolically*
Embed Excel directly in your worksheet*
Advanced Engineering Mathematics: e.g. Design of Experiments, Differential Equations, Solving Regression*
Advanced Numeric Functions: e.g. Fourier Transforms, Signal Processing, Statistics & Data Analysis*
License Options
Centralised IT management and administration
eLearning Libraries 1 3

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