OUT NOW: Creo 6.0 introduces real time simulation and extends augmented reality capabilities further!
Drive innovation in your design process with embedded simulation and quickly turn ideas into smart, connected products with IoT-driven design.
PTC and ANSYS have partnered up to bring you Creo Simulation Live which gives real-time feedback on design decisions as they are made, allowing for simulation-driven design. It’s a fast, easy-to-use tool that’s fully integrated into the Creo modeling environment and gives results in seconds as it runs in the background.
Enable effective collaboration in real-time design reviews with stakeholders around the world, using integrated AR experiences.
Creo 6.0 includes new capabilities to make AR even more valuable with model and permissions management for up to 10 experiences and the ability to view models at full scale using smartphones, tablets, and HoloLens. AR experiences can now be easily accessed and launched using links, ThingMarks™, and QR codes.
There’s exciting developments in Additive Manufacturing capabilities too.