Creo Parametric - Benefit Now From The Productivity Potential With Creo 7.0!
The most powerful, reliable, and flexible 3D modeling software in the industry
Creo Parametric - Benefit Now From The Productivity Potential With Creo 7.0!
The most powerful, reliable, and flexible 3D modeling software in the industry

Creo Parametric and its extensions provide 2D CAD, 3D CAD, parametric, and direct modeling capabilities that you can use to create, analyse, view, and share designs. Build quality products quicker than ever before.
New in Creo 7.0

Product design is constantly evolving - and so should your CAD software. Creo 7.0 offers breakthrough innovations in areas such as generative design, real-time simulation, multi-body design, and additive manufacturing. With Creo 7.0, you can design highly innovative products faster and more cheaply, so you can stay ahead of the competition.
Creo 7.0 Highlights
Multibody design:

- Components made of several materials (mouded components, inserts ...)
- Multi-material 3D printing
Creo Generative Topology Optimisation

- independently generates optimised models based on defined requirements, goals, material and manufacturing processes
Real-time simulation with Creo Simulation Live Plus

- Creo 7.0 includes Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)
- Instant real-time flow simulation as well as structural, thermal and modal analysis
- No waiting: the software runs in the background and provides dynamic feedback in the Creo modeling environment
Additive manufacturing with Creo 7.0

- In additive manufacturing, extensions in the area of lattices (lattice structures) and connection of additional applications were carried out
- Creo 7.0 enables the creation of stochastic lattices structures inside components
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