Conquer the web with 3D content - examples

Quickly and easily optimise 3D models for the web!

Optimise large 3D models into small files with no loss of quality

Integrate 3D models of your products onto the web without loss of quality or long loading times - this is now possible with NeoSpace Essentials: Your 3D CAD data is reduced by up to 99% thanks to clever compression and simplification mechanisms so that it can be optimally displayed on the web. Sounds complicated? We can assure you it's not. NeoSpace delivers 3D data with less MB as well as consistent quality in real-time. And all that with just one click. Presenting your products on the web in a unique way has never been easier!

Discover application examples of optimised 3D models from a wide range of areas here

Note: The sizes are based on the values of the .glb file format. The .usdz file formats may differ.







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